Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro Difference
Single-Core Score 1541 1541 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Multi-Core Score 7030 7030 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Geekbench 6.2.1 Geekbench 6.2.1

System Information

Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Operating System macOS 14.3 (Build 23D56) macOS 14.3 (Build 23D56)
Model MacBookPro16,4 MacBookPro16,4
Processor Intel Core i9-9980HK @ 2.40 GHz
1 Processor, 8 Cores, 16 Threads
Intel Core i9-9980HK @ 2.40 GHz
1 Processor, 8 Cores, 16 Threads
Processor ID GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 13 GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 13
Processor Codename
Processor Package
L1 Instruction Cache 32.0 KB x 8 32.0 KB x 8
L1 Data Cache 32.0 KB x 8 32.0 KB x 8
L2 Cache 256 KB x 8 256 KB x 8
L3 Cache 16.0 MB x 1 16.0 MB x 1
Motherboard Apple Inc. Mac-A61BADE1FDAD7B05 MacBookPro16,4 Apple Inc. Mac-A61BADE1FDAD7B05 MacBookPro16,4
BIOS Apple Inc. 2020. (iBridge: 21.16.3049.0.0,0) Apple Inc. 2020. (iBridge: 21.16.3049.0.0,0)
Memory 32.00 GB DDR4 32.00 GB DDR4

Single-Core Performance

Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro Difference
Single-Core Score 1541 1541 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
File Compression 1524 1524 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Navigation 1487 1487 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
HTML5 Browser 1639 1639 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
PDF Renderer 1756 1756 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Photo Library 1309 1309 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Clang 1791 1791 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Text Processing 1535 1535 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Asset Compression 1554 1554 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Object Detection 757 757 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Background Blur 2388 2388 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Horizon Detection 2058 2058 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Object Remover 1309 1309 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
HDR 1522 1522 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Photo Filter 1595 1595 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Ray Tracer 1479 1479 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Structure from Motion 2051 2051 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro

Multi-Core Performance

Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro Difference
Multi-Core Score 7030 7030 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
File Compression 3537 3537 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Navigation 9237 9237 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
HTML5 Browser 7692 7692 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
PDF Renderer 10785 10785 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Photo Library 7747 7747 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Clang 12605 12605 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Text Processing 1815 1815 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Asset Compression 11611 11611 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Object Detection 3074 3074 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Background Blur 7480 7480 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Horizon Detection 10608 10608 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Object Remover 7262 7262 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
HDR 7652 7652 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Photo Filter 5759 5759 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Ray Tracer 12950 12950 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Structure from Motion 9387 9387 100.0%
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro
Final run on the high-end i9 MBP before trading up to M3 Pro