Core i3 2100 (John VPH) Core i3 2100 (John VPH) Difference
Single-Core Score 498 498 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Multi-Core Score 969 969 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Geekbench 6.4.0 Geekbench 6.4.0

System Information

Core i3 2100 (John VPH) Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Operating System Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (64-bit)
Model LENOVO 1607A1G LENOVO 1607A1G
Processor Intel Core i3-2100 @ 3.09 GHz
1 Processor, 2 Cores, 4 Threads
Intel Core i3-2100 @ 3.09 GHz
1 Processor, 2 Cores, 4 Threads
Processor ID GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
Processor Codename Sandy Bridge Sandy Bridge
Processor Package Socket 1155 LGA Socket 1155 LGA
L1 Instruction Cache 32.0 KB x 2 32.0 KB x 2
L1 Data Cache 32.0 KB x 2 32.0 KB x 2
L2 Cache 256 KB x 2 256 KB x 2
L3 Cache 3.00 MB x 1 3.00 MB x 1
Motherboard LENOVO To be filled by O.E.M. LENOVO To be filled by O.E.M.
Northbridge Intel Sandy Bridge 09 Intel Sandy Bridge 09
Southbridge Intel H61 B3 Intel H61 B3
Memory 4.00 GB DDR3 SDRAM 4.00 GB DDR3 SDRAM

Single-Core Performance

Core i3 2100 (John VPH) Core i3 2100 (John VPH) Difference
Single-Core Score 498 498 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
File Compression 672 672 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Navigation 1058 1058 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
HTML5 Browser 810 810 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
PDF Renderer 860 860 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Photo Library 213 213 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Clang 846 846 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Text Processing 630 630 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Asset Compression 814 814 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Object Detection 52 52 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Background Blur 456 456 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Horizon Detection 701 701 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Object Remover 583 583 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
HDR 502 502 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Photo Filter 320 320 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Ray Tracer 686 686 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Structure from Motion 261 261 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)

Multi-Core Performance

Core i3 2100 (John VPH) Core i3 2100 (John VPH) Difference
Multi-Core Score 969 969 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
File Compression 729 729 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Navigation 2166 2166 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
HTML5 Browser 1408 1408 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
PDF Renderer 1936 1936 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Photo Library 459 459 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Clang 1845 1845 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Text Processing 736 736 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Asset Compression 1881 1881 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Object Detection 113 113 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Background Blur 831 831 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Horizon Detection 1460 1460 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Object Remover 1190 1190 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
HDR 1128 1128 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Photo Filter 641 641 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Ray Tracer 1841 1841 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Structure from Motion 621 621 100.0%
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)
Core i3 2100 (John VPH)