Single-Core Score 740 740 100.0%
Multi-Core Score 2275 2275 100.0%
Geekbench 5.3.1 Geekbench 5.3.1

System Information

Operating System Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS 5.8.0-40-generic x86_64 Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS 5.8.0-40-generic x86_64
Model Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M. Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M.
Processor Intel Xeon E3-1225 @ 3.40 GHz
1 Processor, 4 Cores
Intel Xeon E3-1225 @ 3.40 GHz
1 Processor, 4 Cores
Processor ID GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
L1 Instruction Cache 32.0 KB x 2 32.0 KB x 2
L1 Data Cache 32.0 KB x 2 32.0 KB x 2
L2 Cache 256 KB x 2 256 KB x 2
L3 Cache 6.00 MB x 1 6.00 MB x 1
Motherboard Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. H61M-S2PV Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. H61M-S2PV
BIOS American Megatrends Inc. Fid American Megatrends Inc. Fid
Memory 5.77 GB 5.77 GB

Single-Core Performance

Single-Core Score 740 740 100.0%
AES-XTS 799 799 100.0%
Text Compression 840 840 100.0%
Image Compression 729 729 100.0%
Navigation 706 706 100.0%
HTML5 694 694 100.0%
SQLite 729 729 100.0%
PDF Rendering 697 697 100.0%
Text Rendering 598 598 100.0%
Clang 709 709 100.0%
Camera 684 684 100.0%
N-Body Physics 774 774 100.0%
Rigid Body Physics 826 826 100.0%
Gaussian Blur 685 685 100.0%
Face Detection 761 761 100.0%
Horizon Detection 751 751 100.0%
Image Inpainting 1324 1324 100.0%
HDR 1366 1366 100.0%
Ray Tracing 919 919 100.0%
Structure from Motion 529 529 100.0%
Speech Recognition 798 798 100.0%
Machine Learning 487 487 100.0%

Multi-Core Performance

Multi-Core Score 2275 2275 100.0%
AES-XTS 1873 1873 100.0%
Text Compression 2651 2651 100.0%
Image Compression 2693 2693 100.0%
Navigation 1286 1286 100.0%
HTML5 2507 2507 100.0%
SQLite 2677 2677 100.0%
PDF Rendering 2209 2209 100.0%
Text Rendering 1513 1513 100.0%
Clang 2600 2600 100.0%
Camera 2323 2323 100.0%
N-Body Physics 2625 2625 100.0%
Rigid Body Physics 3131 3131 100.0%
Gaussian Blur 2791 2791 100.0%
Face Detection 2838 2838 100.0%
Horizon Detection 2419 2419 100.0%
Image Inpainting 3543 3543 100.0%
HDR 4560 4560 100.0%
Ray Tracing 3669 3669 100.0%
Structure from Motion 1917 1917 100.0%
Speech Recognition 1486 1486 100.0%
Machine Learning 853 853 100.0%