DeepCool B450M DeepCool B450M Difference
Single-Core Score 1344 1344 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Multi-Core Score 7906 7906 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Geekbench 5.3.1 Geekbench 5.3.1

System Information

DeepCool B450M DeepCool B450M
Operating System Linux Mint 20 Ulyana 5.8.0-33-generic x86_64 Linux Mint 20 Ulyana 5.8.0-33-generic x86_64
Model To Be Filled By O.E.M. To Be Filled By O.E.M. To Be Filled By O.E.M. To Be Filled By O.E.M.
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 3600 @ 3.60 GHz
1 Processor, 6 Cores, 12 Threads
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 @ 3.60 GHz
1 Processor, 6 Cores, 12 Threads
Processor ID AuthenticAMD Family 23 Model 113 Stepping 0 AuthenticAMD Family 23 Model 113 Stepping 0
L1 Instruction Cache 32.0 KB x 6 32.0 KB x 6
L1 Data Cache 32.0 KB x 6 32.0 KB x 6
L2 Cache 512 KB x 6 512 KB x 6
L3 Cache 16.0 MB x 2 16.0 MB x 2
Motherboard ASRock B450M Pro4 ASRock B450M Pro4
BIOS American Megatrends Inc. P4.60 American Megatrends Inc. P4.60
Memory 15.56 GB 15.56 GB

Single-Core Performance

DeepCool B450M DeepCool B450M Difference
Single-Core Score 1344 1344 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
AES-XTS 2279 2279 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Text Compression 1341 1341 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Image Compression 1235 1235 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Navigation 1266 1266 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
HTML5 1050 1050 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
SQLite 1020 1020 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
PDF Rendering 1166 1166 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Text Rendering 1086 1086 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Clang 1194 1194 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Camera 1365 1365 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
N-Body Physics 1478 1478 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Rigid Body Physics 1268 1268 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Gaussian Blur 1484 1484 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Face Detection 1415 1415 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Horizon Detection 1252 1252 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Image Inpainting 2685 2685 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
HDR 2631 2631 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Ray Tracing 1741 1741 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Structure from Motion 1142 1142 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Speech Recognition 1287 1287 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Machine Learning 1207 1207 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M

Multi-Core Performance

DeepCool B450M DeepCool B450M Difference
Multi-Core Score 7906 7906 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
AES-XTS 7264 7264 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Text Compression 9660 9660 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Image Compression 9045 9045 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Navigation 5093 5093 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
HTML5 7961 7961 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
SQLite 7952 7952 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
PDF Rendering 7639 7639 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Text Rendering 5377 5377 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Clang 9211 9211 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Camera 7550 7550 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
N-Body Physics 7894 7894 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Rigid Body Physics 10619 10619 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Gaussian Blur 7270 7270 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Face Detection 8797 8797 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Horizon Detection 8097 8097 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Image Inpainting 14309 14309 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
HDR 16092 16092 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Ray Tracing 12743 12743 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Structure from Motion 7348 7348 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Speech Recognition 5992 5992 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M
Machine Learning 4188 4188 100.0%
DeepCool B450M
DeepCool B450M