5950x with 64GB of RAM 5950x with 64GB of RAM Difference
Single-Core Score 1632 1632 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Multi-Core Score 15946 15946 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Geekbench 5.3.1 Tryout Geekbench 5.3.1 Tryout

System Information

5950x with 64GB of RAM 5950x with 64GB of RAM
Operating System Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (64-bit)
Model ASUS System Product Name ASUS System Product Name
Processor AMD Ryzen 9 5950X @ 3.40 GHz
1 Processor, 16 Cores, 32 Threads
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X @ 3.40 GHz
1 Processor, 16 Cores, 32 Threads
Processor ID AuthenticAMD Family 25 Model 33 Stepping 0 AuthenticAMD Family 25 Model 33 Stepping 0
Processor Codename
Processor Package
L1 Instruction Cache 32.0 KB x 16 32.0 KB x 16
L1 Data Cache 32.0 KB x 16 32.0 KB x 16
L2 Cache 512 KB x 16 512 KB x 16
L3 Cache 32.0 MB x 2 32.0 MB x 2
Northbridge AMD Ryzen SOC 00 AMD Ryzen SOC 00
Southbridge AMD X570 51 AMD X570 51
BIOS American Megatrends Inc. 2812 American Megatrends Inc. 2812
Memory 64.00 GB DDR4 SDRAM 64.00 GB DDR4 SDRAM

Single-Core Performance

5950x with 64GB of RAM 5950x with 64GB of RAM Difference
Single-Core Score 1632 1632 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
AES-XTS 4001 4001 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Text Compression 1711 1711 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Image Compression 1665 1665 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Navigation 1407 1407 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
HTML5 1137 1137 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
SQLite 1256 1256 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
PDF Rendering 1395 1395 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Text Rendering 1261 1261 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Clang 1388 1388 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Camera 1227 1227 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
N-Body Physics 1565 1565 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Rigid Body Physics 1507 1507 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Gaussian Blur 1797 1797 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Face Detection 1557 1557 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Horizon Detection 1496 1496 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Image Inpainting 2993 2993 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
HDR 3125 3125 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Ray Tracing 1994 1994 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Structure from Motion 1409 1409 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Speech Recognition 1609 1609 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Machine Learning 1564 1564 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM

Multi-Core Performance

5950x with 64GB of RAM 5950x with 64GB of RAM Difference
Multi-Core Score 15946 15946 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
AES-XTS 7871 7871 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Text Compression 24699 24699 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Image Compression 22909 22909 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Navigation 5819 5819 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
HTML5 17566 17566 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
SQLite 18968 18968 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
PDF Rendering 15690 15690 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Text Rendering 12195 12195 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Clang 21213 21213 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Camera 13349 13349 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
N-Body Physics 15749 15749 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Rigid Body Physics 26985 26985 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Gaussian Blur 18779 18779 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Face Detection 22936 22936 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Horizon Detection 14960 14960 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Image Inpainting 26919 26919 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
HDR 30204 30204 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Ray Tracing 25019 25019 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Structure from Motion 16151 16151 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Speech Recognition 13991 13991 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM
Machine Learning 4322 4322 100.0%
5950x with 64GB of RAM
5950x with 64GB of RAM