Alienware Alienware 15 R4 Alienware Alienware 15 R4 Difference
OpenCL Score 50705 50705 100.0%
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Geekbench 5.1.0 Pro Geekbench 5.1.0 Pro

System Information

Alienware Alienware 15 R4 Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Operating System Linux 5.5.2-1-default x86_64 Linux 5.5.2-1-default x86_64
Model Alienware Alienware 15 R4 Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Processor Intel Core i9-8950HK @ 4.80 GHz
1 Processor, 6 Cores, 12 Threads
Intel Core i9-8950HK @ 4.80 GHz
1 Processor, 6 Cores, 12 Threads
Processor ID GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10 GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10
L1 Instruction Cache 32.0 KB x 6 32.0 KB x 6
L1 Data Cache 32.0 KB x 6 32.0 KB x 6
L2 Cache 256 KB x 6 256 KB x 6
L3 Cache 12.0 MB x 1 12.0 MB x 1
Motherboard Alienware Alienware 15 R4 Alienware Alienware 15 R4
BIOS Alienware 1.5.0 Alienware 1.5.0
Memory 31.21 GB 31.21 GB
OpenCL Information
Platform Vendor NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Corporation
Device Vendor NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Corporation
Device Name GeForce GTX 1080 with Max-Q Design GeForce GTX 1080 with Max-Q Design
Board Name
Compute Units 20 20
Maximum Frequency 1.47 GHz 1.47 GHz
Device Memory 7.93 GB 7.93 GB

OpenCL Performance

Alienware Alienware 15 R4 Alienware Alienware 15 R4 Difference
OpenCL Score 50705 50705 100.0%
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Sobel 79849 79849 100.0%
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Canny 45065 45065 100.0%
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Stereo Matching 129571 129571 100.0%
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Histogram Equalization 48794 48794 100.0%
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Gaussian Blur 17933 17933 100.0%
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Depth of Field 198776 198776 100.0%
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Face Detection 14989 14989 100.0%
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Horizon Detection 55921 55921 100.0%
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Feature Matching 10925 10925 100.0%
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Particle Physics 211722 211722 100.0%
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
SFFT 36227 36227 100.0%
Alienware Alienware 15 R4
Alienware Alienware 15 R4