MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580 MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580 Difference
OpenCL Score 38118 38118 100.0%
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
Geekbench 5.4.4 Tryout Geekbench 5.4.4 Tryout

System Information

MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580 MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
Operating System macOS 12.1 (Build 21C52) macOS 12.1 (Build 21C52)
Model MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019)
Processor Intel Core i7-9750H @ 2.60 GHz
1 Processor, 6 Cores, 12 Threads
Intel Core i7-9750H @ 2.60 GHz
1 Processor, 6 Cores, 12 Threads
Processor ID GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10 GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10
Processor Codename
Processor Package
L1 Instruction Cache 32.0 KB x 6 32.0 KB x 6
L1 Data Cache 32.0 KB x 6 32.0 KB x 6
L2 Cache 256 KB x 6 256 KB x 6
L3 Cache 12.0 MB x 1 12.0 MB x 1
Motherboard Apple Inc. Mac-E1008331FDC96864 MacBookPro16,1 Apple Inc. Mac-E1008331FDC96864 MacBookPro16,1
BIOS Apple Inc. 1715. (iBridge: 19.16.10647.0.0,0) Apple Inc. 1715. (iBridge: 19.16.10647.0.0,0)
Memory 16.00 GB DDR4 16.00 GB DDR4
OpenCL Information
Platform Vendor Apple Apple
Platform Name Apple Apple
Device Vendor AMD AMD
Device Name AMD Radeon Pro 580 Compute Engine AMD Radeon Pro 580 Compute Engine
Board Name
Compute Units 36 36
Maximum Frequency 1200 MHz 1200 MHz
Device Memory 8.00 GB 8.00 GB

OpenCL Performance

MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580 MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580 Difference
OpenCL Score 38118 38118 100.0%
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
Sobel 42006 42006 100.0%
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
Canny 26109 26109 100.0%
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
Stereo Matching 139996 139996 100.0%
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
Histogram Equalization 23829 23829 100.0%
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
Gaussian Blur 40929 40929 100.0%
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
Depth of Field 104641 104641 100.0%
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
Face Detection 9156 9156 100.0%
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
Horizon Detection 31071 31071 100.0%
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
Feature Matching 10944 10944 100.0%
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
Particle Physics 209836 209836 100.0%
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
SFFT 24113 24113 100.0%
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580
MacBook Pro (16-inch Late 2019) with egpu rx580