Dell Inc. G3 3590 Dell Inc. G3 3590 Difference
Vulkan Score 43905 43905 100.0%
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Geekbench 5.4.1 Tryout Geekbench 5.4.1 Tryout

System Information

Dell Inc. G3 3590 Dell Inc. G3 3590
Operating System Arch Linux Arch Linux
Model Dell Inc. G3 3590 Dell Inc. G3 3590
Processor Intel Core i5-9300H @ 4.10 GHz
1 Processor, 4 Cores, 8 Threads
Intel Core i5-9300H @ 4.10 GHz
1 Processor, 4 Cores, 8 Threads
Processor ID GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10 GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10
L1 Instruction Cache 32.0 KB x 4 32.0 KB x 4
L1 Data Cache 32.0 KB x 4 32.0 KB x 4
L2 Cache 256 KB x 4 256 KB x 4
L3 Cache 8.00 MB x 1 8.00 MB x 1
Motherboard Dell Inc. 05P49N Dell Inc. 05P49N
BIOS Dell Inc. 1.11.1 Dell Inc. 1.11.1
Memory 31.16 GB 31.16 GB
Vulkan Information
Device Name NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti with Max-Q Design NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti with Max-Q Design

Vulkan Performance

Dell Inc. G3 3590 Dell Inc. G3 3590 Difference
Vulkan Score 43905 43905 100.0%
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Sobel 43095 43095 100.0%
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Canny 31530 31530 100.0%
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Stereo Matching 123454 123454 100.0%
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Histogram Equalization 35622 35622 100.0%
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Gaussian Blur 50434 50434 100.0%
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Depth of Field 79062 79062 100.0%
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Face Detection 15250 15250 100.0%
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Horizon Detection 32561 32561 100.0%
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Feature Matching 21275 21275 100.0%
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Particle Physics 171225 171225 100.0%
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Dell Inc. G3 3590
SFFT 27111 27111 100.0%
Dell Inc. G3 3590
Dell Inc. G3 3590