Geekbench Scores

HP HP ZBook Fury 17 G7 Mobile Workstation HP HP ZBook Fury 17 G7 Mobile Workstation
OpenCL Score 113313 113313
Geekbench 4.4.4 Tryout Geekbench 4.4.4 Tryout

System Information

HP HP ZBook Fury 17 G7 Mobile Workstation HP HP ZBook Fury 17 G7 Mobile Workstation
Operating System Microsoft Windows 11 Pro (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 11 Pro (64-bit)
Model HP HP ZBook Fury 17 G7 Mobile Workstation HP HP ZBook Fury 17 G7 Mobile Workstation
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400H CPU @ 2.60GHz @ 2.59 GHz
1 Processor, 4 Cores, 8 Threads
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400H CPU @ 2.60GHz @ 2.59 GHz
1 Processor, 4 Cores, 8 Threads
Processor ID GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 165 Stepping 2 GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 165 Stepping 2
Processor Codename Comet Lake Comet Lake
Processor Package Socket 1440 FCBGA Socket 1440 FCBGA
L1 Instruction Cache 32.0 KB x 4 32.0 KB x 4
L1 Data Cache 32.0 KB x 4 32.0 KB x 4
L2 Cache 256 KB x 4 256 KB x 4
L3 Cache 8.00 MB x 1 8.00 MB x 1
Motherboard HP 8780 HP 8780
Northbridge Intel ID9B64 02 Intel ID9B64 02
Southbridge Intel ID068E 00 Intel ID068E 00
BIOS HP S92 Ver. 01.10.00 HP S92 Ver. 01.10.00
Memory 64.00 GB -1MHz 64.00 GB -1MHz
OpenCL Information
Platform Vendor NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Corporation
Device Vendor NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Corporation
Device Name Quadro T1000 with Max-Q Design Quadro T1000 with Max-Q Design
Board Name
Compute Units 14 14
Maximum Frequency 1.50 GHz 1.50 GHz
Device Memory 4.00 GB 4.00 GB

OpenCL Performance

HP HP ZBook Fury 17 G7 Mobile Workstation HP HP ZBook Fury 17 G7 Mobile Workstation
OpenCL Score 113313 113313
Sobel 222820
9.82 Gpixels/sec
9.82 Gpixels/sec
Histogram Equalization 154200
4.82 Gpixels/sec
4.82 Gpixels/sec
SFFT 18040
45.0 Gflops
45.0 Gflops
Gaussian Blur 142126
2.49 Gpixels/sec
2.49 Gpixels/sec
Face Detection 34285
10.0 Msubwindows/sec
10.0 Msubwindows/sec
RAW 860659
8.33 Gpixels/sec
8.33 Gpixels/sec
Depth of Field 257443
747.9 Mpixels/sec
747.9 Mpixels/sec
Particle Physics 40615
6420.7 FPS
6420.7 FPS