Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. A520M S2H Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. A520M S2H
Geekbench 3 Score 5788 5788
Geekbench 3 Multicore Score 42572 42572

System Information

Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. A520M S2H Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. A520M S2H
Operating System Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (64-bit)
Model Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. A520M S2H Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. A520M S2H
Processor AMD Ryzen 7 4700G with Radeon Graphics @ 3.60 GHz
1 Processor, 8 Cores, 16 Threads
AMD Ryzen 7 4700G with Radeon Graphics @ 3.60 GHz
1 Processor, 8 Cores, 16 Threads
Processor ID AuthenticAMD Family 23 Model 96 Stepping 1 AuthenticAMD Family 23 Model 96 Stepping 1
Processor Codename Renoir Renoir
Processor Package Socket AM4 (1331) Socket AM4 (1331)
L1 Instruction Cache 32 KB x 8 32 KB x 8
L1 Data Cache 32 KB x 8 32 KB x 8
L2 Cache 512 KB x 8 512 KB x 8
L3 Cache 8192 KB x 2 8192 KB x 2
Motherboard Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. A520M S2H Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. A520M S2H
Northbridge AMD Ryzen SOC 00 AMD Ryzen SOC 00
Southbridge AMD Carrizo FCH 51 AMD Carrizo FCH 51
BIOS American Megatrends Inc. F3 American Megatrends Inc. F3
Memory 16.00 GB 2096MHz 16.00 GB 2096MHz

Integer Performance

Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. A520M S2H Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. A520M S2H
Integer 5628 5628
Integer Multicore 49951 49951
AES 9558 9558
AES Multicore 19854 19854
Twofish 4361 4361
Twofish Multicore 51422 51422
SHA1 18965 18965
SHA1 Multicore 230996 230996
SHA2 6755 6755
SHA2 Multicore 53919 53919
BZip2 Compress 4245 4245
BZip2 Compress Multicore 48863 48863
BZip2 Decompress 4231 4231
BZip2 Decompress Multicore 48012 48012
JPEG Compress 4549 4549
JPEG Compress Multicore 48067 48067
JPEG Decompress 7037 7037
JPEG Decompress Multicore 67301 67301
PNG Compress 3781 3781
PNG Compress Multicore 45350 45350
PNG Decompress 4532 4532
PNG Decompress Multicore 54424 54424
Sobel 6186 6186
Sobel Multicore 48963 48963
Lua 5018 5018
Lua Multicore 51887 51887
Dijkstra 3487 3487
Dijkstra Multicore 19918 19918

Floating Point Performance

Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. A520M S2H Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. A520M S2H
Floating Point 5532 5532
Floating Point Multicore 52360 52360
BlackScholes 6573 6573
BlackScholes Multicore 71062 71062
Mandelbrot 4912 4912
Mandelbrot Multicore 68350 68350
Sharpen Filter 4705 4705
Sharpen Filter Multicore 36895 36895
Blur Filter 4319 4319
Blur Filter Multicore 33068 33068
SGEMM 5747 5747
SGEMM Multicore 59829 59829
DGEMM 5678 5678
DGEMM Multicore 55061 55061
SFFT 4839 4839
SFFT Multicore 40100 40100
DFFT 5290 5290
DFFT Multicore 44658 44658
N-Body 7360 7360
N-Body Multicore 72019 72019
Ray Trace 6665 6665
Ray Trace Multicore 61523 61523

Memory Performance

Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. A520M S2H Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. A520M S2H
Memory 6623 6623
Memory Multicore 8239 8239
Stream Copy 7857 7857
Stream Copy Multicore 10451 10451
Stream Scale 5922 5922
Stream Scale Multicore 7448 7448
Stream Add 6349 6349
Stream Add Multicore 7600 7600
Stream Triad 6515 6515
Stream Triad Multicore 7792 7792