Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M. Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M.
Geekbench 3 Score 3018 3018
Geekbench 3 Multicore Score 9306 9306

System Information

Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M. Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M.
Operating System Linux 4.1.0-sabayon x86_64 Linux 4.1.0-sabayon x86_64
Model Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M. Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M.
Processor AMD Athlon X4 860K @ 3.70 GHz
1 Processor, 2 Cores, 4 Threads
AMD Athlon X4 860K @ 3.70 GHz
1 Processor, 2 Cores, 4 Threads
Processor ID AuthenticAMD Family 21 Model 48 Stepping 1 AuthenticAMD Family 21 Model 48 Stepping 1
L1 Instruction Cache 16 KB x 2 16 KB x 2
L1 Data Cache 96 KB x 4 96 KB x 4
L2 Cache 2048 KB x 2 2048 KB x 2
L3 Cache 0 KB 0 KB
Motherboard Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. F2A88XN-WIFI Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. F2A88XN-WIFI
BIOS American Megatrends Inc. F4 American Megatrends Inc. F4
Memory 15.55 GB 15.55 GB

Integer Performance

Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M. Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M.
Integer 3416 3416
Integer Multicore 11992 11992
AES 3590 3590
AES Multicore 6933 6933
Twofish 3725 3725
Twofish Multicore 14889 14889
SHA1 3962 3962
SHA1 Multicore 15838 15838
SHA2 4581 4581
SHA2 Multicore 18328 18328
BZip2 Compress 2883 2883
BZip2 Compress Multicore 10306 10306
BZip2 Decompress 3306 3306
BZip2 Decompress Multicore 12336 12336
JPEG Compress 3109 3109
JPEG Compress Multicore 11644 11644
JPEG Decompress 4028 4028
JPEG Decompress Multicore 15068 15068
PNG Compress 2816 2816
PNG Compress Multicore 10737 10737
PNG Decompress 3513 3513
PNG Decompress Multicore 12484 12484
Sobel 3608 3608
Sobel Multicore 14089 14089
Lua 3515 3515
Lua Multicore 12830 12830
Dijkstra 2373 2373
Dijkstra Multicore 6555 6555

Floating Point Performance

Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M. Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M.
Floating Point 3048 3048
Floating Point Multicore 9810 9810
BlackScholes 2602 2602
BlackScholes Multicore 9121 9121
Mandelbrot 2764 2764
Mandelbrot Multicore 9994 9994
Sharpen Filter 2730 2730
Sharpen Filter Multicore 8303 8303
Blur Filter 2742 2742
Blur Filter Multicore 7591 7591
SGEMM 3595 3595
SGEMM Multicore 12689 12689
DGEMM 3282 3282
DGEMM Multicore 10515 10515
SFFT 2952 2952
SFFT Multicore 8623 8623
DFFT 3292 3292
DFFT Multicore 8942 8942
N-Body 2948 2948
N-Body Multicore 10412 10412
Ray Trace 3813 3813
Ray Trace Multicore 13414 13414

Memory Performance

Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M. Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M.
Memory 2166 2166
Memory Multicore 2927 2927
Stream Copy 3042 3042
Stream Copy Multicore 4464 4464
Stream Scale 1910 1910
Stream Scale Multicore 2581 2581
Stream Add 1898 1898
Stream Add Multicore 2497 2497
Stream Triad 1998 1998
Stream Triad Multicore 2553 2553