Unknown Unknown
Geekbench 3 Score 4745 4745
Geekbench 3 Multicore Score 19516 19516

System Information

Unknown Unknown
Operating System Windows 6.2 00000038ADDAEBF4 (64-bit) Windows 6.2 00000038ADDAEBF4 (64-bit)
Model Unknown Unknown
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 3350G with Radeon Vega Graphics @ 4.05 GHz
1 Processor, 4 Cores, 8 Threads
AMD Ryzen 5 3350G with Radeon Vega Graphics @ 4.05 GHz
1 Processor, 4 Cores, 8 Threads
Processor ID AuthenticAMD Family 23 Model 24 Stepping 1 AuthenticAMD Family 23 Model 24 Stepping 1
Processor Codename Picasso Picasso
Processor Package Socket AM4 (1331) Socket AM4 (1331)
L1 Instruction Cache 32 KB x 4 32 KB x 4
L1 Data Cache 64 KB x 4 64 KB x 4
L2 Cache 512 KB x 4 512 KB x 4
L3 Cache 4096 KB 4096 KB
Motherboard Unknown Unknown
Northbridge AMD Ryzen SOC 00 AMD Ryzen SOC 00
Southbridge AMD X470 51 AMD X470 51
Memory 16.00 GB 1733MHz 16.00 GB 1733MHz

Integer Performance

Unknown Unknown
Integer 4841 4841
Integer Multicore 23018 23018
AES 8707 8707
AES Multicore 13536 13536
Twofish 3878 3878
Twofish Multicore 24417 24417
SHA1 17323 17323
SHA1 Multicore 108303 108303
SHA2 6180 6180
SHA2 Multicore 24794 24794
BZip2 Compress 3716 3716
BZip2 Compress Multicore 21507 21507
BZip2 Decompress 3607 3607
BZip2 Decompress Multicore 21247 21247
JPEG Compress 4051 4051
JPEG Compress Multicore 22232 22232
JPEG Decompress 5776 5776
JPEG Decompress Multicore 26840 26840
PNG Compress 3476 3476
PNG Compress Multicore 21769 21769
PNG Decompress 3991 3991
PNG Decompress Multicore 24371 24371
Sobel 4844 4844
Sobel Multicore 20569 20569
Lua 3502 3502
Lua Multicore 20327 20327
Dijkstra 3010 3010
Dijkstra Multicore 9490 9490

Floating Point Performance

Unknown Unknown
Floating Point 4564 4564
Floating Point Multicore 22653 22653
BlackScholes 5214 5214
BlackScholes Multicore 29552 29552
Mandelbrot 4565 4565
Mandelbrot Multicore 32485 32485
Sharpen Filter 3834 3834
Sharpen Filter Multicore 17138 17138
Blur Filter 3796 3796
Blur Filter Multicore 15686 15686
SGEMM 4702 4702
SGEMM Multicore 25175 25175
DGEMM 4555 4555
DGEMM Multicore 24606 24606
SFFT 4286 4286
SFFT Multicore 16980 16980
DFFT 4529 4529
DFFT Multicore 17432 17432
N-Body 5398 5398
N-Body Multicore 29309 29309
Ray Trace 5050 5050
Ray Trace Multicore 25667 25667

Memory Performance

Unknown Unknown
Memory 4916 4916
Memory Multicore 6238 6238
Stream Copy 4997 4997
Stream Copy Multicore 8035 8035
Stream Scale 4632 4632
Stream Scale Multicore 5589 5589
Stream Add 4986 4986
Stream Add Multicore 5736 5736
Stream Triad 5064 5064
Stream Triad Multicore 5879 5879