LENOVO F0DN0035FR giro_ouch LENOVO F0DN0035FR giro_ouch
Geekbench 3 Score 3412 3412
Geekbench 3 Multicore Score 13959 13959

System Information

LENOVO F0DN0035FR giro_ouch LENOVO F0DN0035FR giro_ouch
Operating System Microsoft Windows 10 Famille (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 10 Famille (64-bit)
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 2400GE with Radeon Vega Graphics @ 3.20 GHz
1 Processor, 4 Cores, 8 Threads
AMD Ryzen 5 2400GE with Radeon Vega Graphics @ 3.20 GHz
1 Processor, 4 Cores, 8 Threads
Processor ID AuthenticAMD Family 23 Model 17 Stepping 0 AuthenticAMD Family 23 Model 17 Stepping 0
Processor Codename
Processor Package
L1 Instruction Cache 64 KB 64 KB
L1 Data Cache 32 KB 32 KB
L2 Cache 512 KB 512 KB
L3 Cache 4096 KB 4096 KB
Motherboard LENOVO 36F5 LENOVO 36F5
Northbridge AMD ID15D0 00 AMD ID15D0 00
Southbridge AMD ID790E 51 AMD ID790E 51
Memory 7.69 GB -1MHz 7.69 GB -1MHz

Integer Performance

LENOVO F0DN0035FR giro_ouch LENOVO F0DN0035FR giro_ouch
Integer 3366 3366
Integer Multicore 15313 15313
AES 5639 5639
AES Multicore 7119 7119
Twofish 3006 3006
Twofish Multicore 19029 19029
SHA1 4393 4393
SHA1 Multicore 19455 19455
SHA2 4865 4865
SHA2 Multicore 19579 19579
BZip2 Compress 2909 2909
BZip2 Compress Multicore 16759 16759
BZip2 Decompress 2900 2900
BZip2 Decompress Multicore 17154 17154
JPEG Compress 3208 3208
JPEG Compress Multicore 17913 17913
JPEG Decompress 4439 4439
JPEG Decompress Multicore 21900 21900
PNG Compress 2731 2731
PNG Compress Multicore 17246 17246
PNG Decompress 3083 3083
PNG Decompress Multicore 17914 17914
Sobel 3645 3645
Sobel Multicore 16246 16246
Lua 2506 2506
Lua Multicore 13379 13379
Dijkstra 2128 2128
Dijkstra Multicore 6518 6518

Floating Point Performance

LENOVO F0DN0035FR giro_ouch LENOVO F0DN0035FR giro_ouch
Floating Point 3576 3576
Floating Point Multicore 17739 17739
BlackScholes 4097 4097
BlackScholes Multicore 22911 22911
Mandelbrot 3585 3585
Mandelbrot Multicore 25525 25525
Sharpen Filter 3038 3038
Sharpen Filter Multicore 13397 13397
Blur Filter 2979 2979
Blur Filter Multicore 12264 12264
SGEMM 3615 3615
SGEMM Multicore 19903 19903
DGEMM 3536 3536
DGEMM Multicore 19262 19262
SFFT 3380 3380
SFFT Multicore 13460 13460
DFFT 3556 3556
DFFT Multicore 13771 13771
N-Body 4199 4199
N-Body Multicore 22590 22590
Ray Trace 3992 3992
Ray Trace Multicore 20012 20012

Memory Performance

LENOVO F0DN0035FR giro_ouch LENOVO F0DN0035FR giro_ouch
Memory 3179 3179
Memory Multicore 3695 3695
Stream Copy 3790 3790
Stream Copy Multicore 5205 5205
Stream Scale 2741 2741
Stream Scale Multicore 3102 3102
Stream Add 3109 3109
Stream Add Multicore 3343 3343
Stream Triad 3166 3166
Stream Triad Multicore 3456 3456