samsung GT-S6310 samsung GT-S6310
Geekbench 3 Score 123 123
Geekbench 3 Multicore Score 120 120

System Information

samsung GT-S6310 samsung GT-S6310
Operating System Android 4.1.2 With Shinkumara Kernel Android 4.1.2 With Shinkumara Kernel
Model samsung GT-S6310 samsung GT-S6310
Processor ARM QCT @ 1.21 GHz
1 Processor, 1 Core
ARM QCT @ 1.21 GHz
1 Processor, 1 Core
Processor ID ARM implementer 65 architecture 7 variant 0 part 3077 revision 1 ARM implementer 65 architecture 7 variant 0 part 3077 revision 1
L1 Instruction Cache 0 KB 0 KB
L1 Data Cache 0 KB 0 KB
L2 Cache 0 KB 0 KB
L3 Cache 0 KB 0 KB
Motherboard 7x27 7x27
Memory 663 MB 663 MB

Integer Performance

samsung GT-S6310 samsung GT-S6310
Integer 169 169
Integer Multicore 163 163
AES 10 10
AES Multicore 10 10
Twofish 170 170
Twofish Multicore 184 184
SHA1 230 230
SHA1 Multicore 221 221
SHA2 310 310
SHA2 Multicore 303 303
BZip2 Compress 157 157
BZip2 Compress Multicore 150 150
BZip2 Decompress 200 200
BZip2 Decompress Multicore 178 178
JPEG Compress 194 194
JPEG Compress Multicore 205 205
JPEG Decompress 225 225
JPEG Decompress Multicore 201 201
PNG Compress 258 258
PNG Compress Multicore 226 226
PNG Decompress 276 276
PNG Decompress Multicore 262 262
Sobel 198 198
Sobel Multicore 197 197
Lua 213 213
Lua Multicore 203 203
Dijkstra 191 191
Dijkstra Multicore 184 184

Floating Point Performance

samsung GT-S6310 samsung GT-S6310
Floating Point 115 115
Floating Point Multicore 113 113
BlackScholes 149 149
BlackScholes Multicore 146 146
Mandelbrot 194 194
Mandelbrot Multicore 194 194
Sharpen Filter 179 179
Sharpen Filter Multicore 180 180
Blur Filter 178 178
Blur Filter Multicore 174 174
SGEMM 49 49
SGEMM Multicore 47 47
DGEMM 42 42
DGEMM Multicore 39 39
SFFT 113 113
SFFT Multicore 117 117
DFFT 66 66
DFFT Multicore 63 63
N-Body 152 152
N-Body Multicore 151 151
Ray Trace 196 196
Ray Trace Multicore 189 189

Memory Performance

samsung GT-S6310 samsung GT-S6310
Memory 48 48
Memory Multicore 48 48
Stream Copy 95 95
Stream Copy Multicore 99 99
Stream Scale 89 89
Stream Scale Multicore 89 89
Stream Add 26 26
Stream Add Multicore 24 24
Stream Triad 26 26
Stream Triad Multicore 26 26