samsung GT-S6310 samsung GT-S6310
Geekbench 3 Score 128 128
Geekbench 3 Multicore Score 128 128

System Information

samsung GT-S6310 samsung GT-S6310
Operating System Android 4.1.2 With Shinkumara Kernel Android 4.1.2 With Shinkumara Kernel
Model samsung GT-S6310 samsung GT-S6310
Processor ARM QCT @ 1.21 GHz
1 Processor, 1 Core
ARM QCT @ 1.21 GHz
1 Processor, 1 Core
Processor ID ARM implementer 65 architecture 7 variant 0 part 3077 revision 1 ARM implementer 65 architecture 7 variant 0 part 3077 revision 1
L1 Instruction Cache 0 KB 0 KB
L1 Data Cache 0 KB 0 KB
L2 Cache 0 KB 0 KB
L3 Cache 0 KB 0 KB
Motherboard 7x27 7x27
Memory 663 MB 663 MB

Integer Performance

samsung GT-S6310 samsung GT-S6310
Integer 168 168
Integer Multicore 168 168
AES 10 10
AES Multicore 10 10
Twofish 183 183
Twofish Multicore 188 188
SHA1 228 228
SHA1 Multicore 227 227
SHA2 309 309
SHA2 Multicore 307 307
BZip2 Compress 168 168
BZip2 Compress Multicore 162 162
BZip2 Decompress 207 207
BZip2 Decompress Multicore 186 186
JPEG Compress 196 196
JPEG Compress Multicore 201 201
JPEG Decompress 188 188
JPEG Decompress Multicore 194 194
PNG Compress 248 248
PNG Compress Multicore 245 245
PNG Decompress 271 271
PNG Decompress Multicore 268 268
Sobel 188 188
Sobel Multicore 205 205
Lua 202 202
Lua Multicore 210 210
Dijkstra 213 213
Dijkstra Multicore 208 208

Floating Point Performance

samsung GT-S6310 samsung GT-S6310
Floating Point 124 124
Floating Point Multicore 122 122
BlackScholes 153 153
BlackScholes Multicore 149 149
Mandelbrot 201 201
Mandelbrot Multicore 193 193
Sharpen Filter 183 183
Sharpen Filter Multicore 184 184
Blur Filter 178 178
Blur Filter Multicore 177 177
SGEMM 56 56
SGEMM Multicore 55 55
DGEMM 51 51
DGEMM Multicore 48 48
SFFT 127 127
SFFT Multicore 129 129
DFFT 77 77
DFFT Multicore 75 75
N-Body 154 154
N-Body Multicore 156 156
Ray Trace 206 206
Ray Trace Multicore 204 204

Memory Performance

samsung GT-S6310 samsung GT-S6310
Memory 60 60
Memory Multicore 61 61
Stream Copy 130 130
Stream Copy Multicore 125 125
Stream Scale 109 109
Stream Scale Multicore 108 108
Stream Add 31 31
Stream Add Multicore 32 32
Stream Triad 30 30
Stream Triad Multicore 33 33