Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M. Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M.
Geekbench 3 Score 2571 2571
Geekbench 3 Multicore Score 7973 7973

System Information

Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M. Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M.
Operating System Linux 4.1.0-sabayon x86_64 Linux 4.1.0-sabayon x86_64
Model Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M. Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M.
Processor AMD Athlon X4 860K @ 4.00 GHz
1 Processor, 2 Cores, 4 Threads
AMD Athlon X4 860K @ 4.00 GHz
1 Processor, 2 Cores, 4 Threads
Processor ID AuthenticAMD Family 21 Model 48 Stepping 1 AuthenticAMD Family 21 Model 48 Stepping 1
L1 Instruction Cache 16 KB x 2 16 KB x 2
L1 Data Cache 96 KB x 4 96 KB x 4
L2 Cache 2048 KB x 2 2048 KB x 2
L3 Cache 0 KB 0 KB
Motherboard Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. F2A88XN-WIFI Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. F2A88XN-WIFI
BIOS American Megatrends Inc. F4 American Megatrends Inc. F4
Memory 15.55 GB 15.55 GB

Integer Performance

Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M. Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M.
Integer 3082 3082
Integer Multicore 10833 10833
AES 3188 3188
AES Multicore 5511 5511
Twofish 3496 3496
Twofish Multicore 13892 13892
SHA1 3521 3521
SHA1 Multicore 14068 14068
SHA2 3831 3831
SHA2 Multicore 15296 15296
BZip2 Compress 2610 2610
BZip2 Compress Multicore 9070 9070
BZip2 Decompress 3372 3372
BZip2 Decompress Multicore 11787 11787
JPEG Compress 2919 2919
JPEG Compress Multicore 11227 11227
JPEG Decompress 3474 3474
JPEG Decompress Multicore 12928 12928
PNG Compress 2624 2624
PNG Compress Multicore 9976 9976
PNG Decompress 2999 2999
PNG Decompress Multicore 11064 11064
Sobel 2973 2973
Sobel Multicore 11361 11361
Lua 3156 3156
Lua Multicore 11639 11639
Dijkstra 2287 2287
Dijkstra Multicore 7588 7588

Floating Point Performance

Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M. Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M.
Floating Point 2310 2310
Floating Point Multicore 7633 7633
BlackScholes 1249 1249
BlackScholes Multicore 4386 4386
Mandelbrot 2697 2697
Mandelbrot Multicore 9705 9705
Sharpen Filter 2508 2508
Sharpen Filter Multicore 7418 7418
Blur Filter 2195 2195
Blur Filter Multicore 6258 6258
SGEMM 2001 2001
SGEMM Multicore 7302 7302
DGEMM 1811 1811
DGEMM Multicore 6815 6815
SFFT 2841 2841
SFFT Multicore 8194 8194
DFFT 3131 3131
DFFT Multicore 8402 8402
N-Body 2619 2619
N-Body Multicore 9386 9386
Ray Trace 2773 2773
Ray Trace Multicore 10573 10573

Memory Performance

Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M. Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. To be filled by O.E.M.
Memory 2071 2071
Memory Multicore 2935 2935
Stream Copy 2981 2981
Stream Copy Multicore 4524 4524
Stream Scale 1781 1781
Stream Scale Multicore 2602 2602
Stream Add 1821 1821
Stream Add Multicore 2502 2502
Stream Triad 1904 1904
Stream Triad Multicore 2522 2522