Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 18 vCPU & 20 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM) Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 18 vCPU & 20 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM)
Geekbench 3 Score 2494 2494
Geekbench 3 Multicore Score 22576 22576

System Information

Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 18 vCPU & 20 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM) Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 18 vCPU & 20 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM)
Operating System Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS 3.16.0-30-generic x86_64 Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS 3.16.0-30-generic x86_64
Model Parallels Software International Inc. Parallels Virtual Platform Parallels Software International Inc. Parallels Virtual Platform
Processor Intel Xeon E5-2690 v2 @ 3.00 GHz
1 Processor, 18 Cores
Intel Xeon E5-2690 v2 @ 3.00 GHz
1 Processor, 18 Cores
Processor ID GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 62 Stepping 4 GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 62 Stepping 4
L1 Instruction Cache 32 KB x 9 32 KB x 9
L1 Data Cache 32 KB x 9 32 KB x 9
L2 Cache 256 KB x 9 256 KB x 9
L3 Cache 25600 KB 25600 KB
Motherboard Parallels Software International Inc. Parallels Virtual Platform Parallels Software International Inc. Parallels Virtual Platform
BIOS Parallels Software International Inc. 6.10.24184.1192764 Parallels Software International Inc. 6.10.24184.1192764
Memory 19.61 GB 19.61 GB

Integer Performance

Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 18 vCPU & 20 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM) Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 18 vCPU & 20 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM)
Integer 2675 2675
Integer Multicore 26030 26030
AES 2210 2210
AES Multicore 18108 18108
Twofish 2552 2552
Twofish Multicore 28182 28182
SHA1 2947 2947
SHA1 Multicore 33637 33637
SHA2 3223 3223
SHA2 Multicore 34989 34989
BZip2 Compress 2356 2356
BZip2 Compress Multicore 24716 24716
BZip2 Decompress 2325 2325
BZip2 Decompress Multicore 18956 18956
JPEG Compress 2585 2585
JPEG Compress Multicore 28865 28865
JPEG Decompress 3760 3760
JPEG Decompress Multicore 37789 37789
PNG Compress 2504 2504
PNG Compress Multicore 25967 25967
PNG Decompress 2704 2704
PNG Decompress Multicore 24955 24955
Sobel 3606 3606
Sobel Multicore 35288 35288
Lua 2499 2499
Lua Multicore 25176 25176
Dijkstra 2073 2073
Dijkstra Multicore 14256 14256

Floating Point Performance

Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 18 vCPU & 20 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM) Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 18 vCPU & 20 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM)
Floating Point 2608 2608
Floating Point Multicore 28505 28505
BlackScholes 2193 2193
BlackScholes Multicore 23554 23554
Mandelbrot 2540 2540
Mandelbrot Multicore 28152 28152
Sharpen Filter 2287 2287
Sharpen Filter Multicore 25730 25730
Blur Filter 1859 1859
Blur Filter Multicore 20996 20996
SGEMM 2432 2432
SGEMM Multicore 29701 29701
DGEMM 2483 2483
DGEMM Multicore 28183 28183
SFFT 2556 2556
SFFT Multicore 26009 26009
DFFT 2772 2772
DFFT Multicore 28003 28003
N-Body 4256 4256
N-Body Multicore 44681 44681
Ray Trace 3387 3387
Ray Trace Multicore 36303 36303

Memory Performance

Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 18 vCPU & 20 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM) Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 18 vCPU & 20 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM)
Memory 1904 1904
Memory Multicore 3811 3811
Stream Copy 1460 1460
Stream Copy Multicore 3225 3225
Stream Scale 2195 2195
Stream Scale Multicore 4411 4411
Stream Add 2091 2091
Stream Add Multicore 3784 3784
Stream Triad 1962 1962
Stream Triad Multicore 3920 3920