Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 7 vCPU & 16 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM) Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 7 vCPU & 16 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM)
Geekbench 3 Score 2576 2576
Geekbench 3 Multicore Score 10175 10175

System Information

Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 7 vCPU & 16 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM) Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 7 vCPU & 16 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM)
Operating System Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS 3.16.0-30-generic x86_64 Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS 3.16.0-30-generic x86_64
Model Parallels Software International Inc. Parallels Virtual Platform Parallels Software International Inc. Parallels Virtual Platform
Processor Intel Xeon E5-2690 v2 @ 3.00 GHz
1 Processor, 7 Cores
Intel Xeon E5-2690 v2 @ 3.00 GHz
1 Processor, 7 Cores
Processor ID GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 62 Stepping 4 GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 62 Stepping 4
L1 Instruction Cache 32 KB x 3 32 KB x 3
L1 Data Cache 32 KB x 3 32 KB x 3
L2 Cache 256 KB x 3 256 KB x 3
L3 Cache 25600 KB 25600 KB
Motherboard Parallels Software International Inc. Parallels Virtual Platform Parallels Software International Inc. Parallels Virtual Platform
BIOS Parallels Software International Inc. 6.10.24184.1192764 Parallels Software International Inc. 6.10.24184.1192764
Memory 15.67 GB 15.67 GB

Integer Performance

Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 7 vCPU & 16 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM) Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 7 vCPU & 16 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM)
Integer 2701 2701
Integer Multicore 11414 11414
AES 2200 2200
AES Multicore 8824 8824
Twofish 2530 2530
Twofish Multicore 13621 13621
SHA1 2956 2956
SHA1 Multicore 13407 13407
SHA2 3210 3210
SHA2 Multicore 14606 14606
BZip2 Compress 2380 2380
BZip2 Compress Multicore 10328 10328
BZip2 Decompress 2367 2367
BZip2 Decompress Multicore 7506 7506
JPEG Compress 2604 2604
JPEG Compress Multicore 11811 11811
JPEG Decompress 3777 3777
JPEG Decompress Multicore 16618 16618
PNG Compress 2529 2529
PNG Compress Multicore 10513 10513
PNG Decompress 2735 2735
PNG Decompress Multicore 11494 11494
Sobel 3577 3577
Sobel Multicore 15908 15908
Lua 2532 2532
Lua Multicore 11209 11209
Dijkstra 2231 2231
Dijkstra Multicore 7234 7234

Floating Point Performance

Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 7 vCPU & 16 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM) Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 7 vCPU & 16 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM)
Floating Point 2634 2634
Floating Point Multicore 11893 11893
BlackScholes 2179 2179
BlackScholes Multicore 9946 9946
Mandelbrot 2545 2545
Mandelbrot Multicore 11391 11391
Sharpen Filter 2280 2280
Sharpen Filter Multicore 10333 10333
Blur Filter 1855 1855
Blur Filter Multicore 8382 8382
SGEMM 2738 2738
SGEMM Multicore 11932 11932
DGEMM 2444 2444
DGEMM Multicore 12215 12215
SFFT 2570 2570
SFFT Multicore 11153 11153
DFFT 2760 2760
DFFT Multicore 12196 12196
N-Body 4241 4241
N-Body Multicore 18965 18965
Ray Trace 3415 3415
Ray Trace Multicore 15353 15353

Memory Performance

Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 7 vCPU & 16 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM) Embratel Cloud Server - PROD - 7 vCPU & 16 GB of RAM (Hypervisor-VM)
Memory 2212 2212
Memory Multicore 4261 4261
Stream Copy 1863 1863
Stream Copy Multicore 3716 3716
Stream Scale 2509 2509
Stream Scale Multicore 4767 4767
Stream Add 2308 2308
Stream Add Multicore 4364 4364
Stream Triad 2220 2220
Stream Triad Multicore 4266 4266